MEET THE ARTISTS Ronald Boaks and Patricia Gagic

Join us on opening day and meet the artists Ronald Boaks and Patricia Gagic on Saturday, September 24, 2022 from 2 pm – 5 pm.

“There are many dualities in my life: I am both a Romantic and a Modernist, my visual interests include the two and three dimensional, I work with black and white as well as with vibrant colour and I delight in both abstraction and realism.              

My passion for making art spans 60 years. This show includes works from 1985 to the present. The earliest works are landscapes; close-up representations of the detailed colour and texture of rock. They evolved into ideal landscapes and morphed into Modernist ‘acts of painting’. Then my more Romantic inclinations brought in flowers or the female form in collage. These meanderings between my Modernist and Romantic dualities have led me to my most recent works In which I have juxtaposed two seemingly different images. I enjoy the frisson when discovering the relationship between a realistic image and an abstract composition.

If I had to reduce my approach to art making to one sentence, it would be “I love the simple complexity of putting together the many elements of interest from my life.”

Ronald Boaks, 2022

 “The incredible relationship between music and art has always played a significant role in the creation of my work.

Side Eye NYC is a recent work by guitarist Pat Metheny.  One piece in particular titled Lodger, became a mantra in the studio.  The music is a dialogue of movement, feeling and gesture.  In some ways it birthed a gateway to an exploding kaleidoscope of the unknown drawing in a spontaneous desire to simply fly through the music like a heartbeat.  The excitement of reaching a mystical syncopation unpacking an adventure, releasing the darkness hidden in all things possible.”

Patricia Gagic. 2022

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