Saturday Aug. 3, 2024 to Saturday Aug. 31, 2024

This upcoming exhibition featuring artists Angela Bontempo, Alex Chorny and Kimberly Joy Danielson marks an important crossroad for the John Mann Gallery. Earlier this month we lost our great leader John Mann which left a hole in our hearts and with the Art industry. 

There will be times in our lives where we will find ourselves at a crossroad and major life changing decisions face us. These events will bring pause to our lives and give us the opportunity to re-evaluate our direction. Angela, Alex and Kimberly would share similar crossroads where they choose the path of ART making bringing the joy of exploration to us.

Echos of Elysium
“My intention with this new body of work is to stimulate the senses through the ebb and flow of colour, texture and movement of paint. Leaving anyone who looks at a painting with a feeling of calm, peace and tranquillity…if only for a moment.” ~Angela Bontempo

"Alex Chorny leads with a philosophy that art is the great connector to all human disciplines, and hopes to de-sanctify and expand traditional ideas of what art can be. Through the natural forces of magnetism, he creates experimental artworks that challenge the notions of requisite materials and techniques to bring forward compelling and thoughtful pieces. This collection is a collaboration with nature, a surrender of control as a sole artist, and details the intimate relationship between science, and art."

Weavings of the Mind
“This series meanders through reminiscences in my minds eye of travels and experiences both abroad and here at home. Further Inspiration lies in Swedish textile traditions, both the vibrant fabric designs and loom weavings. I inhabit the world of the bold palette and continue to utilize carving in my paintings to create depth and texture. I am fascinated with objects which hold history and could tell stories of the past if only they could talk, and objects are featured in some paintings in this series. Nature as always is a focus of my work as it can provide both beauty and solace and reminds us of what is beyond ourselves.”
~Kimbery Joy Danielson

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